PP-PE-PVC-St37 and stainless coating drums are cylindrical materials used in the metal coating process, where metal parts are subjected to the coating process. The main features of these drums include:
- Durable and robust structure
- Resistance to chemicals and abrasion
- Ability to be produced in various sizes and specifications Drum diameters (wrench width) are SW 150-200-220-250-280-360-420 mm.
Lengths are produced as single or double between 300 mm. - 1200 mm.
The hole diameter varies between 1 mm. – 15 mm. depending on the material to be coated, and the holes are round. Chamfers are made on the inner surface of the drum to prevent the materials to be coated from sticking.
In St-37 or stainless drums, holes or channels can be opened in the body.